Understanding your customer’s needs in today’s market

We’re happy to share our very first read of the year, “When Coffee and Kale Compete” by Alan Klement. Before you ask, no this isn’t about coffee and kale salad at your favorite bistro bar. Even though that sounds like an amazing combo for your taste buds, we’re talking about consumer marketing.

The main concepts of this book break down the importance of a growth mindset, understanding the value of progress for customers, and several theories. One theory being a JTBD (job-to-be-done) which is defined by the author as:

“The process a consumer goes through whenever she aims to transform her existing life-situation into a preferred one, but cannot because there are constraints that stop her.”

In short, a JTBD helps us understand the real jobs customers are using our products or services for. Which is the basis of connecting to your customers in a way that makes your products and services a success. It sounds super simple, but it’s something we all can miss.

That’s why we’ve shifted to a solutions based approach, afterall, solutions is in our company name right? We meet customers where they are and get them where they want to be by providing industry leading services and cutting edge products that solve their problems.

Klement shapes the perspective that we shouldn’t attach value to what the products are, but we should attach value to what the products do for customers in respect to their daily lives. We all desire to make our lives easier and more convenient, just like every customer imagines their lives being better when they have the right solution (aka your product/service).

This book honed in on the power of shifting the focus to the one thing that never changes for a customer 一 their desire for progress.

“We can’t build the products of tomorrow when we limit ourselves to the needs and expectations associated with the products of today…When we focus on delivering customers’ progress—instead of what customers say they want—we are free to imagine a world where many needs and expectations are replaced with new ones.”

I’m sure we can all agree that a small step in the right direction is better than zero progress. That’s everyone’s dream. To advance. Whether it’s speeding ahead of the competition with your innovations or making personal gains with your New Year’s Resolutions, we’re all constantly striving for better.

MediaLab embodies this element of progress in our partnerships because our vision is to create topnotch solutions that redefine your customer experience. This short read is the blueprint for businesses trying to build strong, genuine connections with their customers or people who are looking to start a business.

If you’re like me and love to read on the go, you can download the free PDF version of the book.

Tune in with us next month as we dive into “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries.

About MediaLab: We hope you found this snippet of information as valuable as we did. Providing cutting edge products and services is our niche, but we put a lot of energy into understanding how our products relate to our buyers and their customer base. So we’re bringing you in on what type of content speaks to us, why it matters to the market, and how it’s influencing our strategy.

Our book club, The Media Center, will give the inside scoop on valuable marketing knowledge that is elevating us in the industry. We invest a lot of time in educating ourselves about what’s going on in the market and we want you to grow with us too.

We will be reading new books from accredited authors and having dialogues to inspire conversations and fresh ideas. Our goal for this monthly book club blog is to bring all the highlights, inspo and fun reading recommendations to people looking to learn new concepts, make new connections and stay current in the world of digital marketing.

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